Reclaiming My Name

Reclaiming My Name

“Oh Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name!” -Madame Roland, French Revolutionary and Writer

Okay, that title is a bit more dramatic than the situation that I am talking about. I am Matt. My name is Matt. It always has been. Except for a little while, when for no real reason, I decided that my name was Matthew and everyone should call me that because it was apparently professional?

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The Years Keep Coming

“I am just going outside and may be some time.” -Lawrence Oates, Antarctic explorer and British Army Officer

Last time that I wrote here was more than 3 years ago. I had recently moved in with my girlfriend, we were in a new little adventure, and we hadn’t found Gary our lovely little son.

Now, we have been engaged, married, we have our boy Gary (cat), I am a citizen of a new country, we are married living long distance and we are about to reunite, most likely in a third country.

We have quite had a few wild years.

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New Resolutions for a New Year

New Resolutions for a New Year

“So on this day of reflection I say again, thank you for going on this journey with me. I’ll see you at the movies.” -Roger Ebert, film critic, screenwriter and author

Every year tons of people spend time and come up with resolutions that they plan to stick to and work towards for the next year. They arbitrarily start on the first of the year as a tentpole/flagship time to start. For years, around November/December, when the conversations of New Years Resolutions came up, I always went by the belief that the day that I think of a good resolution should also be the same day I implemented it. However this year, I am working to start on January 1st, and hopefully will be able to track progress and accomplish things.

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Too Many Concussion and Too Few Memories

“I have a terrific headache.” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States

Physically, there are many ways to get hurt and luckily for me, I have not experienced all of those ways. Unfortunately, I have experienced a good handful of them. From having my eyebrow sliced open with a hockey stick, to broken arms and legs from riding bikes and skateboards. Those are relatively common, honestly tame compared to other injuries but most importantly they are pretty easy to fix. Unfortunately, there are some injuries that are much harder, if not almost impossible to fix which I have enjoyed 4 times, concussions.

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Planning and Planning Failures

Planning and Planning Failures

“I am better now.” -Robert G. Ingersoll, American Lawyer and Orator during the Golden Age of Free Thought

There is an old saying/quote that goes “A failure to plan is a plan to fail.” I don’t know what the exact original quote is or even who said it but I remember who was the first person that said it to me and that was my father.

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